Angel top is finished

I made some (little) progress this week.

I finished piecing the top of the Advent calendar, all the pockets are sewn to the Angel. I know Christmas is not quite around the corner yet but
1) it will come fast
2) I still need to quilt and bind the top for it to be finish
3) I didn't want to lose one of the pockets now that I had cut them all off
4) I am always a last minute finisher so it is nice to feel ahead of the game for once!
Anyway, I like the way it turned out, even though the fabric hadn't been printed straight all the way along and some cheating/adjusting was required for some of the pocket.
Well, I hope I will be able to add this one to my list of OPAM very soon.
More on my "disaster bag" soon.
Stay tuned!


  1. I made one of these, too, it's very cute! Mine was a bit off grain also, so it was tricky to make all the pockets be straight. Lots of steam!


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