Football bag is finished!

The week-end was quiet so I managed to do some sewing and be productive. Hubby had a day out to learn golf yesterday (his father's day present from June) so decided that I'll have a rest and sew. I did my block for the Bee Europa but also finally finished off my "disaster" bag, which has turned into a finished football bag in the end.
I managed to assemble the bag in time for the first football training on Saturday and asked hubby to add all the eyelets. He had fun as the tool I had bought wasn't strong enough to make the holes in the fabric. I hadn't finished the flap before the training so I added it on Sunday after the first session.
Big Boy loves his bag and is trying to recognise all the flags.
Geography lessons combine with football training, fantastic! He has always been interested in flags and that's our long-term sewing project to sew the flags of the countries he has visited so far. Although he is only 5 the list is already relatively long so we'll be busy for a long while!

And this Friday is Friday Night Sew-In again. I haven't really been able to participate since June but finally I should be able to join in again. Not sure it'll be a late night for me but I'll try to at least do some sewing before retreating to my bed. Will you join as well? You only need to sign up on Heidi's blog and then get yourself set and comfy on Friday night.



  1. Hi Celine, now that is a great bag, I love the fabric. I see you are working on your DJ, I hope to see you and your quilt in Bruxelles 2013.

    Happy stitching


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