One, two, Tree

I finally got started on sewing my little trees yesterday and managed to make 5 out of my scrap boxes. I had prepared all my paper templates for paper piecing the triangles in a square this week so I can get on with the fun sewing bit. I will now start digging into my stash to make the 9 others I need for my quilt. They come together relatively quickly and I think they are cute. What do you think?

Now tonight is Friday Night Sew-In and this is just what I am planning to do. Are you playing as well? The kids are in bed, I've had a shower and have my PJ on. The kitchen is clean and tidy so off I go make a few more trees. I am really tired but I feel some sewing time will make me feel better before going to bed. I'll show you what I've managed tomorrow. Stay tuned.


  1. They do come together pretty quickly, don't the? I think that makes this project enjoyable. It's not one I'm getting bored with too quickly. :-)


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