Disastrous week-end?

I had a day out sewing on Saturday with my group. It started rather well in the morning. I cut my Advent Calendar panel, in the hope of finishing it before 30th November. This one is for Baby Daughter who hasn't got one yet. I had started one for her last year but I didn't really like the panel so much so I never finished it. This year I found this much nicer one. I cut the panel out and all the pockets on Saturday ready to be put together.

After lunch I moved onto another project. Big Boy will start playing football on Saturday so I decided I could make him a rucksack with some lovely football fabric I bought this summer.

I found a pattern in one of my book. I read the instructions a  couple of times and couldn't understand it all but thought it would make sense as I went along.... I started cutting the lining fabric first because I only had half a meter of the main fabric and wasn't sure I'd have enough. I then lay all the lining fabric on my football fabric and was relieve to see I had enough. I started cutting my pieces for the outside of the bag and realised once I had cut it all that I had 1) turned the fabric around so wasn't cutting the way I thought, 2) that I had forgotten to take into account that I was using directional fabric and the way I had cut my pieces, all the flags would be on their sides.... I wasn't exactly pleased with myself and after some thinking decided that it would be better to fiddle with my pieces so that they would be the right way. So instead of having a full piece for the back and front of the bag, I ended up with pieced back and front.

I also managed to sew one of the piece upside down (obvious with the Canadian flag) so there was more ripping off to do. Anyway, when it was time to go home, I had managed to prepare and quilt the front, back, side panels and all the outside pockets. If I had gone wrong all the way through, I would probably have assemble the outside bag and the lining.... Some days, you wonder whether it is worth starting at all! I guess it didn't help that there were some mistakes in the pattern with the wrong size given for the base panel.
I went home and assemble the bag with the straps.

I now have to assemble the lining and finish off the bag in time for the first football session on Saturday. I thought I'd make some progress on it yesterday but was exhausted and had no energy at all. Maybe later this week...


  1. Don't you just love days like these LOL....It's looking good though :) Barb.

  2. Don't you just love days like these LOL....It's looking good though :) Barb.


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