Birdie Stitches - July block

Too bad I didn't win the lotto this month! Anyway, it was worth a try and I can always make the blocks again to make myself something for my bedroom!

Time to show you my birdie progress. We had quite a long trip to come back home from our holidays in Holland so I had plenty of time to stitch and I managed to finish stitching the July Birdie block. I am quite proud of myself, catching up with 2 blocks in August. I am still 2 blocks behind now that the September block has been published!

The theme of the blocks was fireworks and one of the bird had stripes while the other had stars in honour of July 4th. Well, fireworks are also relevant in France in July because of Bastille Day. So I modified the birds slightly and both ended with stripes, which I thought looked a bit more Gallic.



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