My little forest has grown - Friday Night Sew-In results

Yesterday evening was Friday Night Sew-In and  for the first time in a while, I actually managed to do some sewing. I did finished all my little trees for my forest. OK it is only a small forest with 14 trees but maybe this project won't become a UFO.

After a rushed morning between football training and the weekly shopping, my backache came back again so I decided to take the afternoon easy while doing some sewing. Well, I am happy to report that my Little Forest top is all pieced together. Plus apart from 9 green triangles for the trees, all the other fabrics came from my scrap boxes. I don't have one single background fabric but I have used up some scraps. All my trunks are from the same fabric but I needed so little.
The assignment for the quilt-along this week is to finish all the trees and sew the row. So I am all done for this week!

Yesterday evening I also cut out a paper pattern to make some bathrobes to the kids but I haven't got any further than cutting the "vintage" paper pieces. I found the pattern dating back from January 1985 (!) in my Mum's stash of patterns this summer.


  1. I felt old when you said "vintage" about a 1985 pattern...
    :-) Love the trees! very cute!

  2. You little tree quilt is going to be really cute.

    I had to smile when you mentioned "vintage" pattern from 1985... I have patterns way older that I purchased new... lol.

  3. I love your forest! It's very pretty. Sounds like you got a lot accomplished for FNSI! Good job on using up scraps too!

  4. I really do love your little trees. They are just beautiful. And I bet it does feel good to have your week's assignment all finished.

  5. Love your little forest!! I'm late to check out all of the FNSI links.. went out of town the next day for a week. Hope you don't mind a new follower. Nice to meet you and look forward to coming back. :)


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