Need a new quilt design tool?

Have you heard of ThreadBias? I hadn't until very recently.
How to describe it? It is a free online community focusing on quilting/sewing, similar I guess to the knitters' Ravelry. It seems fairly new but I am sure it will grow big quickly. I signed up earlier this week. If you are doing the weekender bag by Amy Butler via the Long Week-end group on Flicker, you might have joined Threadbias too.

Threadbias was developed by a team of 3 Alex, Amanda and Rebecca. And there are now putting their energy into trying to develop a web based quilt design tool. How great is that? I know I, for one, would love a web based quilt design tool.
We can all help making this come true hopefully as they are trying to raise money through KickStarter to fund their project. Pledge starts from $1. It is very easy, choose the amount you want to pledge and then check out via And if the targeted amount is not reached, well unfortunately they can't develop their tool, and nobody will be charged. You can read the details here.
So if you are happy to help, go over there to pledge as much as you feel comfortable with. But be quick as the campaign ends on 31 October at 3am EDT.
And why not encouraging our friends/readers/followers to do the same?
The more the merrier really!


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