Lovely mail

Trying to keep up with Blogtober Fest is going to be hard! There is the time element, finding time to write every day will be a struggle... but I'll try! And there is also the content element. I am not productive enough this year to have something to write about every day I think, but again I'll try. So for today, I have decided to share with you the lovely blocks I have received from my fellow European bees in the [3x6] Sampler Quilt Mini Bee. This round started on 1 September and already I have 3 lovely blocks in my hands. One from the UK coming from Jo (love the Architexture!)
one from the Netherlands coming from Erika
and one from Sweden coming from Karin
I haven't started on mine yet. I have identified the block I want to make and cut the background fabric but that's all so far. I guess I better get working!


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