Pyramid Log Cabin - solid blocks

It is finally half-term here in the UK and we should have been going back home to take the kids to my Mum for the week but plans have had to change. It seems that we have had bugs in the house constantly since September and that at least one of the kids is ill at any one point. Anyway, we decided against travelling with ill children and are still waiting to see whether we can take them there soon or not. That has meant that instead of being stuck in traffic last night, I had time to play in my sewing machine and I finished my test blocks for Simply Solids Bee. I am queen Bee in November!
After changing my mind about 20 times I decided to go for the Pyramid Log Cabin blocks from Lady Harvatine's quilt-along

I will ask my fellow bee members to make one block with warm colours

and one block with cold colours if they are happy to, of course!

The block in itself is quite simple to make, it is constructed like a normal log cabin but starts with a triangle instead of a square. Lady Harvatine has got all the details and explanations on her blog so I am not planning to re-inventing the wheel!

For the central triangles, I'd like any sizes between 4' and 6'. For example I used a 6' yellow triangle for my warm colour block

and a 5' triangle for my cold colour block

There are plenty of pictures on Lady Harvatine's blog on how to cut the triangle here.
For the logs, I'd like that the strips were between 1.5' and 2.5' if possible. And I'd also like that the same colour is used for the whole round. Lady Harvatine has got lots of tips for the piecing, one of the most important is to make sure that the strip extend far enough on either side of the triangle
The next important tip is about the pressing. I don't like pressing every seam because I tend to be a bit lazy but because of the shape of this block, I did for those blocks and made sure I  press the seams open as described here before trimming the sides
And then you can trim the strip on either side of the triangle, lining the bottom edge of the row with the 60 line on the ruler
Add the next log
and a third one to finish the first round.
Next round will use a different colour and a different strip width.

Continue adding some round of logs until the triangle has a minimum height of 14' or a minimum side of 16'. If it is bigger, it's fine!

I think it will be easier to trim them all at the end with a template to make sure they are all the same size and have all kept their triangular shape as much as possible.
Looking forward to getting lots of lovely triangles in November!
Linking to Sew Darn Crafty.


  1. Great block, I've never seen this one before, can't wait to see what you and your fellow bees do with it.

  2. Just made the blocks but didn't press the seams open - oops! LOVED making these blocks - this will be an amazing quilt especially b/c it will be all solids!


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