PhD in 2023

I am joining Quilting Gail again for PhD in 2023 challenge.

Of course I have (lots of) UFOs is like to finish this year (or get rid of, whatever that entails). Let's have a look

1. Impromptu (started 2013)

2. Morgan jeans (started 2019) 

3. Farmer's Wife quilt (started 2011)

4. Storm at Sea (started 2010) 

5. Harry Potter (started 2019) 

6. Gipsy Wife (started 2017)

7. Project 48 (started 2016)

8. Mini Series blocks (started 2022)

9. Moonwake or other handbag (pattern cut)

10. Forester coat (started 2022) 

11. Messenger bag - needs a zip at the top on the internal pocket

12. Boho Heart (started 2021) - a few more blocks made in 2022

Linking to Quilting Gail PhD in 2023



  1. Glad to hear you're joining us for PHD in 2023!!! You've got some lovely projects to work on!!!
    Happy Quilting! :-)

  2. Very pretty, and congratulations on the finish!


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