New Friday Night Sew-In for December

If you missed last week, there is an extra Friday Night Sew-In organised by Heidi this Friday. Do you want to play along? I signed up because I still have some projects I'd like to focus on and finish before Christmas and I got quite a bit done last Friday despite nearly forgetting about the event!

This week-end wasn't as productive as I anticipated because
  • we were busy decorating the house for Christmas with the kids and went out to buy a lovely tree
  • Mr Cars had karate grading on Sunday morning and did very well, getting his yellow and black belt and we went for lunch afterwards
  • I am really tired again and need a nap during the day most days
  • my back is playing up again so it's not fun
  • I spent some time baking for the teacher's gifts I need to send to school at the end of the week: Lebkuchen shaped with Christmas Cookie cutters by Miss Strawberry Shortcake.
I had set myself a goal of having my Christmas tree skirt finished before we put the tree up but I failed as the tree is up without its skirt. But I managed to finish quilting it yesterday evening and added the binding this afternoon so hopefully I should have it finished in a day or two. I have also written a tutorial for the skirt that I'll share with you when it is all done. Watch this space!


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