Lark Tee

My second finish from the weekend is the Lark Tee by Grainline studio. Another pattern that I had in my stash but never tried yet. I picked the boat neck style and cut it straight from the pattern.
I had left over jersey from one of my first ever dressmaking project. There wasn't quite enough for the T- shirt so I cut the front and short sleeves in my leftovers and bought a lovely soft yellow/ mustard jersey (NOT my usual choice of colour at all!) from my local shop for the back.
The t-shirt is rather easy to make as there are only 4 pieces in total. I did all the construction on the overlocker so it went together very fast.
I used my twin needles for the hem with 2 colours (pink and lime green) on the print and only lime green on the plain yellow (that was the closest colour thread I had in my stash and I didn't want the t-shirt to sit there unfinished for a while).
It worked very well and even better with a walking foot to feed the fabric through for the hems.

The T-shirt is rather long so maybe I'll shorten it a little next time but it still completely wearable... for the summer anyway!
It was sunny when we took the pictures but it was also -3°C so definitely NOT weather appropriate but I'll enjoy wearing it in the summer I'm sure and it brought a pop of colour in the cold winter weather. This will be my entry for the Monthly Stitch challenge and it also works for IG #brightsewing and partly for #magamsewalong
One more OPAM and one of my Q1 FAL list
Linking to Whoop Whoop FridayShow Off Saturday



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