New projects

Do I need any new projects? Ah ah of course not! Do I want to start new projects? Of course yes!

And I thought it would be kind to share the source of temptation with all, in case you have found those already....

Of course at this time of year, plenty of quilt-along, sew-along, BOM etc are starting and these ones have caught my eye

Moda String Along
This one happened over the holidays but it is a great reminder for those string blocks I have somewhere in a box

Threadology Quilt starting in Feb until June -  I love the way the blocks are set up in a spool

A time for all seasons starting in Feb 2019 - I am not sure about this one, we'll see once the first block is released

2019 Monthly Color Challenge - started in January - this one could give a lovely rainbow quilt!

2019 Gipsy Wife Quilt Along - started in January - I am definitely planning to sew along with one, and who knows, maybe I will finally finish my Gipsy Wife quilt this year?
2019 Gypsy Wife Quilt-along
Vintage Kitchenalia Adventure BOM - started in January - A quilt for a cook, what's not too love, when I pass so much time in the kitchen
FREE Downloads!

Harry Potter Sew Along - starting on 15 January - there are 2 versions and my son has seen these ones so I think I will have to!
So either I will have a very busy year and really burst my stash... or I might create a few more UFOs along the way! With that, I better run to the sewing machine....



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