Modern HST blocks

The APQ UFO challenge for this month was #3. On my list, #3 was the Modern HST QAL that I started in 2016 and abandoned half way through with 12 out of 24 blocks. Last year I made a few more blocks and got to 19 blocks. 
I finally finished block 20 earlier this month after I found the missing parts again....

With 20 blocks and only 4 more to go but very little background fabric left, I was very close to a finished top!
Of course, there were many more triangles to sew and trim before making the last few blocks
Block 22
and finally 24
all from the QAL. But if you counted well, you might have noticed that I have only 23 blocks at this point. All because I didn't really like the look of block #18 so I didn't make this one. 

That means that I need to make another block, with hardly any background fabric left. So I went to all the leftover bits from previous blocks and found a few HST lefts that I decided that I will try to combine randomly with some solid squares to make the final block, not sure how and when but hopefully soon so this can become a quilt top.



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