Sewing activewear

The first theme of the year for #Sewmystyle 2019 is to sew some activewear of our choice,  no specific pattern. Last year I bought Fehrtrade' s book Sew your own activewear but I never tried any pattern yet. The book gives the basic block patterns without seam allowance and then explain how to use and modify them. So there was a little bit of prep work involved even before getting to the cutting phase.
I cut the close fitting long sleeve top from the book. I cut the chest smaller than the waist/ hips and added about 1' to the length. 
I used a reversible jersey fabric I bought at the Cloth House warehouse a while ago. It is brown on one side and silver on the other. I picked the silver as the right side.
The assembly wasn't particularly difficult and I did everything on the overlocker which was rather quick.
And I now have a new top for yoga,  with long sleeve so I don't get chilly during relaxation. And I tested it this morning 😊
Now when I assembled my top I didn't realised until I finished sewing it that I had added the neckdband on the wrong side. Since I was overclocking everything,  I didn't really feel like taking it apart and decided to keep it as it was as a "design feature" and to complement it,  I also added my label to the outside on the front for another design feature!
Another OPAM for January plus this is also my One Monthly Goal and one of my Q1 FAL list.


  1. how cool! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!

  2. It's so cute!! That would intimidate me but you rocked it! Congratulations on your finish on behalf of the 2019 FAL team.


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