A new project

So if I get an old abandoned project out of the cupboard, surely I can start a new one? 😄🙃😉 anyway I did start a new one! I really like the Snowflake quilt designed by Nicole Daksiewicz so I decided to join her quilt-along (there are a few quilt along that have caught my eye recently, not sure how many I'll join...)

The quilt along started on Monday and I am happy that I have managed to cut all the squares this week. I am doing the scrappy option with a lightish blue background.

I've also made the HST but haven't yet finished to trim them to size. 

And I made the first 5 blocks, phew, I'm on track for week 1!

Linking to Monday Design Wall Monday MakingMidweek Makers



  1. good idea to start a new quilt along when one project is finished. That is what I like to do. Great quilt along.


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